Thanks for your prayers for my family and me the last week. We are still navigating the medical maze in seeking tests and consultations for my wife. She is doing well, able to be up and about her normal activities for the most part and has begun physical therapy for a nerve impingement in her leg. Please pray that the Lord will guide us as we continue to seek medical counsel.
A new blog has shown up in the blogosphere. The first several posts interact with Dr. Paige Patterson’s recent article on alcoholic beverages. They are very insightful and worth reading. Check out the Concerned SBCer.
I have remained at home this week while the 24th annual Founders Conference is being held in Owasso, Oklahoma, hosted by Bethel Baptist Church. Joe Thorn preached the first message today and I have heard that it was tremendous. Joe has indicated that he will try to post some during the conference, so you might want to check out his redesigned blog for more information.