When I first heard the title of the book, Killing Calvinism, I assumed it was another attempt to repudiate the doctrines of grace. Then I read the subtitle: How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Theology from the Inside. Fortunately, withing a few days the author, Greg Dutcher, offered to…
I’m excited to announce the newest title from Founders Press: Whomever He Wills, Surprising Display of Sovereign Mercy. Edited by Tom Nettles and Matthew Barrett. Contributors include Tom Schreiner, Bruce Ware, Steve Lawson, Andy Davis, Tom Hicks, Steve Wellum et al (including me). A special 1/2 price prepub offer…
The long-awaited interview between John Piper and Rick Warren is now available on the Desiring God blog. It is worth watching the whole 98 minutes. The value of this interview exceeds the information that it provides. We get a glimpse into the heart of 2 of the most influential…
One of the evidences of the doctrinal reformation that we are in is the proliferation of doctrinally sound conferences over the last two decades. Dozens of such conferences are held each year across the USA. Two years ago a friend counted over 5o that were scheduled within a 12…