The National Founders Conference will not not meet this summer. Though we will miss the fellowship, instruction and encouragement that the conference has generated over the last 26 years, there are good reasons behind this decision. Let me list several of them: 1. There are now many excellent conferences…
“God’s Truth Abideth Still: Confronting Postmodernism,” is the theme of this year’s Founders Conference meeting at Bethel Baptist Church in Owasso, Oklahoma. We have heard some wonderful preaching as well as two excellent presentations on the theme by David Wells. Tonight he spoke on “Preaching the Cross in the…
Theologian and author, David Wells, will be the main speaker at this year’s Founders Conference in Owasso, Oklahoma. The theme is “God’s Truth Abideth Still: Confronting Postmodernism.” Few evangelicals have thought as deeply or written as carefully about postmodernism as Dr. Wells. His most recent book, Above All Earthly…