Marty Duren sent me an email today using this service. With all of the concern about “private” emails, I suggest you give it a try. And if you ever decide to exchange emails among 4-6 people to work out arrangements on a public debate, by all means use it!…
Dr. James White has invited me to be his guest on Today’s Dividing Line. It is a webcast program that you can listen to live or later by accessing the archived file. The show allows for listeners to call and comment. The phone number is (602) 973-4602 (Metro Phoenix)…
I have resisted posting anything about the prospective “debate” between Drs. Ergun and Emir Caner and Dr. James White and me over the last few weeks because I did not want to do anything that would muddy the waters as we were trying to work out details regarding format,…
Often we hear the charge that the Gospel of Jesus Christ needs to be repackaged to each succeeding generation or else it will become “irrelevant.” Usually the argument for this approach includes language or ideas similar to this: “it’s the message that is important, not the methods;” or “while…
Dr. Paige Patterson has publicly endorsed Dr. Ronnie Floyd, who will be nominated for the presidency of the SBC when the convention meets next month in Greensboro. Patterson is the president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas. The propriety of this kind of political advocacy by…
This commentary claims that Ronnie Floyd should not become president of the SBC because his church only gives .27% (that…
Tad Thompson announced earlier that Dr. Ronnie Floyd had agreed to an interview to be published at the Total Truth blog. Then Pastor Thompson announced that Dr. Floyd changed his mind. The questions that were submitted were excellent. It’s too bad they did not get addressed. In followup posts…
Our wedding reception, (with an Aggie groom’s cake!) Today is my 26th wedding anniversary, which is another way of saying that today marks the 26th year of my wife’s incredible patience and longsuffering. Tertullian called marriage the “seminary of the human race” and Luther regarded it as a school…
Dr. Ronnie Floyd has recently posted a statement about his nomination to the SBC presidency. It is worth reading. Everyone who loves the SBC can affirm what he says about the distinction between being nominated and being elected, and between being nominated and “running” for an office. Certainly we…