Thank you for your prayers for the Amazing Grace over Florida project. The DVDs are landing on the desks of pastors throughout the state and we are beginning to receive feedback. The response has been overwhelmingly positive so far. As I had expected, I have heard from brothers who…
The Carver elementary school in San Diego is paving the way for prayer to be returned to public schools. Carver administrators have set aside 15 minutes from classroom instruction each afternoon to accommodate 100 religious students that are newly enrolled in the school. Amazingly, the ACLU seems willing to…
Nearly 3000 copies of the “Amazing Grace: The History and Theology of Calvinism” were put in the mail today and should be landing in the mailboxes of Florida Baptist pastors over the next few days. Please pray that the Lord will use this effort to promote a clearer understanding…
I never heard of Frank Pastore until a fellow church member sent me his article from yesterday entitled, “Why Al Qaeda Supports the Emergent Church.” He is an award winning radio talk show host based in California. Though I probably share many of Pastore’s concerns about the emergent movement…
I am always encouraged by SBC denominational employees who remember and appreciate the fact that they are servants of the churches. They exude a humble spirit and avoid giving any impression that they think Southern Baptists are accountable to them or in any way under their authority. Such denominational…
July 15th marks the 2nd anniversary of this blog. In dog years that would make this the 14th anniversary. In blog years, its about the 35th. Ascol’s theory of blogativity states that News in the blogosphere has a half life of 48 hours. With rare exception, if you don’t…
Steve McCoy is pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Woodstock, Illinois. He also is a very thoughtful blogger. I have had the privilege of getting to know Steve a little over the last year. He represents a hopeful future for evangelical pastoral ministry. He is the kind of young…