For an update on the DVD project, go here. New matching grants are available. Martin Downes over at Against Heresies recently interviewed me on pastoral ministry issues. The first part of that interview has now been posted.
Family Life in the Household of God is the theme of an upcoming conference hosted by Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral August 1-4. We would be glad to welcome any of our friends in the area or who are able to make their way down to Cape Coral…
Since the San Antonio convention I have heard from dozens of people who are frustrated, dismayed, puzzled or in some other way disappointed that my resolution on integrity in church membership did not make it out of committee for the second year in a row. My basic attitude and…
Dr. Stan Reeves is many things. He is the husband and father of a growing family. He is the webmaster of He enabled me to get this blog up and running. He teaches engineering at Auburn University. He also serves as an elder at Grace Heritage Church in…