I have never met Mark Driscoll but much of what I know about him I appreciate. How can you not like a guy who goes to Seattle and plants a church that is rock-solid on the Gospel? Or someone who refuses to compromise on biblical manhood and womanhood in…
Tony Kummer, Tim Brister and others launched a blog last summer called, “Said at Southern.” It regularly has very helpful information that is relevant not only to those connected with Southern Seminary. Anyone interested in current trends in evangelicalism and the SBC will not be disappointed by regular visits…
In eternity, when the full story is finally known, the significant work of bivocational preachers will finally be appreciated. Though it is common to think of pastoral ministry primarily or even exclusively in terms of “full time” (or “fully funded”) positions, much faithful service has been rendered to Christ’s…
Dr. Morris Chapman, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s executive committee, called on Southern Baptists to pray during his report to the excom earlier this week. Specifically, he said that we need to be praying for God to bless us with “His wisdom, His glory, His holiness and His…
Chris Arnzen of WNYG in New York has invited me to be on his “Iron Sharpens Iron” radio talk show this Thursday from 3-4 PM Eastern time, to discusss Calvinism and hyper-Calvinism. It can be heard live via their website. Archived copies of the programs are also available. On…
From a paper on Spurgeon’s preaching: As a small child Spurgeon’s grandfather taught him never to be afraid to stand up for what he believed was right, regardless of the consequences. In the Stambourne chapel, where he worshipped for the first years of his life, it was common to…
I, like so many other pastors, love Charles Spurgeon. He is a hero and mentor to me. Though I am not worthy to tie his shoes, I long for his passion, his spirit, large-heartedness, jealousy for his Master’s honor, evangelistic zeal and his faithfulness till death. And though I…
I posted the following comment on SBC Outpost in response to an anonymous letter posted there, purportedly by a professor at one of our 6 SBC seminaries. The author accuses Drs. Al Mohler and Paige Patterson of actions that he believes have dispirited faculty and administrators at Southern and…
David made a good request in light of Broadus’ advice in my last post. He asks, “What works would you suggest to the young pastor as being indispensible for a starting place?” There are numerous books that have been of invaluable help to me through the years. By God’s…
John Broadus offers this excellent advice on the reading habits of ministers (from his Lectures on the History of Preaching, 230-31). I think that young men should be specially exhorted to read old books. If you have a friend in the ministry who is growing old, urge him to…