I am preparing to travel to St. Louis tomorrow for the Midwest Founders Conference where I will join Ray Van Neste and Phil Newton in speaking on Pastoral Ministry. Unfortunately, Dr. John Thornbury has had to back out of speaking due to health issues (from which, I understand, he…
Difference between a true church and a healthy church?esse v. bene essetrue v. falsehealthy v. unhealthyregular v. irregular Calvin, from 1 Corinthians 1:2,What ground, then, had Paul for recognizing a Church at Corinth? It was this: that he saw among them the doctrine of the gospel, baptism, the Lord’s…
The following article is taken from Kairos Journal, an excellent online source of insight on a wide-ranging array of topics. I highly recommend it. A Prayer for the Muslim World–Samuel Zwemer (1867-1952) The great historian of Christian mission, Kenneth Scott Latourette, once said that no man deserved the title…