Article Four: The Grace of God We affirm that grace is God’s generous decision to…
Article Five: The Regeneration of the Sinner We affirm that any person who responds to the Gospel with repentance and faith is born again through the power of the Holy Spirit. He is a new creation in Christ and enters, at the moment he believes, into eternal life. We…
Article Three: The Atonement of Christ We affirm that the penal substitution of Christ is the only available and…
Article Two: The Sinfulness of Man We affirm that, because of the fall of Adam, every person inherits a nature and environment inclined toward…
Could W.A. Criswell have signed this statement? The authors offer 10 “Articles of Affirmation and Denial” in setting forth what they believe “most Southern Baptists” will find acceptable and true to the teachings of the Bible…
After reading through some sermons today by the late Southern Baptist pastor and statesman, W. A. Criswell, I could not help but wonder if he would attach his name to the recent statement that Jerry Vines, Paige Patterson, David Hankins, Emir Caner and others have issued and signed. Of…
Preamble (part B) Though I am tempted to work through the Preamble statement by statement I do not want to get bogged down in this part of the document to the neglect or deemphasis of its theological affirmations and denials….
SBC Voices has posted the text of “A Statement of Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation” on their site. In the next few posts, I want to interact with the document in hopes of fulfilling the spirit of our late brother,…
Today I had a document forwarded to me (from two different people) that was sent out to what looks to be a list of all the executive directors of state conventions in the Southern Baptist Convention. The title of the document is “A Statement of Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding…
On April 3 of this year I had the honor of preaching the graveside funeral of Art Davis, a World War II hero. Like many veterans of that war, Art was very reluctant to talk about his experiences in combat. In the 26 years that I knew Art, we…