Ten years ago, on September 11, I was in my study, like most Tuesday mornings, working on my sermon for the next Sunday morning. The first notice I received of the attack on our nation was from a phone call from my brother. He asked if I was near…
John Venn (1759-1813) became rector of Clapham Church in South London in 1792 and served there until his death. He was the son of the better known, Henry Venn, also a minister in the Church of England, and a friend of William Wilberforce and Charles Simeon. He also served…
Through the power of film Peter Jackson has made J.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy famous and accessible to a generation who may have never have heard of the literary classic. One of the most endearing characters in the story is a wizard named Gandalf. He is the…
One of the best ways that you can help your children become familiar with the message of the Bible is by catechizing them. That historically proven method of instruction encourages not only children but also adults gain a helpful, systematic understanding of what the Bible principally teaches. How soon…
The long-awaited interview between John Piper and Rick Warren is now available on the Desiring God blog. It is worth watching the whole 98 minutes. The value of this interview exceeds the information that it provides. We get a glimpse into the heart of 2 of the most influential…
Osama Bin Laden is dead. He was killed by American Special Forces in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad yesterday. Justice has been served. Romans 13:2-4 has been fulfilled, Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are…
Wayne Grudem is one of the leading theologians of our generation. His Systematic Theology quickly became a classic and is now widely used in churches and classrooms around the world. In addition to his theological writings, Dr. Grudem has also addressed issues that confront believers and the church in…
Last week I received the an email from a theology professor in the Philippines who lost his entire library in a flood. As a pastor who has been greatly blessed and helped by books throughout my ministry, I was moved by what he wrote. Founders is going to supply…
One of my greatest joys as a pastor is the privilege of being with children. I love kids of all ages and I love to watch them mature. Some of my fondest pastoral memories involve children, like the time that 3 pre-elementary-aged girls stopped me in the hallway to…