Recently, 9Marks asked that question to six pastors: three Presbyterian, one Methodist, one Bible Church and one Baptist. Yours truly is the Baptist. We were given 150-250 words with which to craft an answer. My response is copied below. To read the rest, check out the 9Marks Pastors’ Forum….
As I read this excellent post on “The Pastor’s Heavy Happy Heart” by Thabiti Anyabwile I was reminded of John Newton’s hymn called, “A Minister’s Burden.” I posted it a few years ago—which is like a whole generation in blog life—but think it is worth highlighting again. Newton and…
On January 4, 2013 I posted a video of Norwegian soccer player, Harvard Rugland, performing some amazing kicks with a football. The video show him making kicks that almost seem like trick photography. At that time I said, “Somebody give this guy a scholarship.” Well, he didn’t get a…
Dr. Michael Haykin is one of the premier Baptist historians and historical theologians of our day. His work in Patristics and the reformation is surpassed only by his research in Baptist life and thought. He is the founder and director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, an…
I love J.I. Packer. He has encouraged me in many ways and at pivotal moments in my spiritual journey. In my last year of undergraduate work at Texas A&M University, I was given a copy of his classic, Knowing God, by my roommate. Sadly–and tellingly for that part of…
Dr. Gosnell, a medical doctor in Philadelphia who became a millionaire performing abortions, has been charged with murder. As a result of a grand jury hearing and the recent beginning of Gosnell’s trial in Pennsylvania, gruesome details of his killing chambers are beginning to be made public. Employees, former…
The last week has been filled with flashbacks as Donna and I have squeezed out time between demanding schedules thinking back on the last 27 years of our life. I accepted the call to become the pastor of Grace Baptist Church in April 1986. Seven weeks later my wife,…
James A. Spurgeon assisted his more famous, older brother, Charles, in the ministry of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in the 19th century. He served in various capacities, including from 1868, that of “co-pastor,” though his duties were primarily administrative. He often helped other churches that were struggling, seeking to encourage…