I hate death. We tend to euphemize it with words like passed, departed or sleep. But while these may help lessen the emotional blow of its reality the truth is that death is a malevolent intruder that mocks both life and the Giver of life. The wise man understood…
A few days ago I was grieved to hear of the death of Ezra Blaize Kline, the 7 week old son of Justin and Rebekah and grandson of my dear friend, Ted Christman and his wife Diane. Ted is the founding pastor of Heritage Baptist Church in Owensboro, Kentucky….
Today is International Blasphemy Day, sponsored by the Center for Inquiry. The Center’s mission is “to foster a secular society based on science, reason, freedom of inquiry, and humanist value.” As part of the day’s celebration the CFI is sponsoring a blasphemy contest, inviting people to submit poems, phrases…