Randall Cofield, in a comment left on yesterday’s post, informed me that the editors SBCToday have removed the signatory list from their “Statement of the Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation.” The statement has been available on their website for signatures since it was released June…
Tuesday, July 10, 2012, an interview that I had with Bill Feltner of Pilgrim Radio will be broadcast. Based in Carson City, Nevada, Pilgrim Radio has provided biblical teaching and spiritual encouragement to listeners since 1962. Their programs are available over the internet via livestream. Bill and I talked…
Article Ten: The Great Commission We affirm that the Lord Jesus Christ commissioned His church to preach the good news of salvation to all people to the ends of the earth. We affirm that the proclamation of the Gospel is God’s means of bringing any person to salvation. We…
Article Five: The Regeneration of the Sinner We affirm that any person who responds to the Gospel with repentance and faith is born again through the power of the Holy Spirit. He is a new creation in Christ and enters, at the moment he believes, into eternal life. We…