Bart Barber is a fellow pastor in Farmersville, Texas and will be familiar to many readers of this blog. His family family and the Scroggs family have been brought together through a very difficult providence. Pray for him and for both families.
Here is a report of the Florida Convention that includes the Executive Committee’s report that John Sullivan found “no voice to split CP funds in a 50/50 distribution” from his “listening sessions” with 43 of the state’s 49 associations. I don’t recall such a session being announced in our…
The $319.8 million budget approved by trustees marks a $15 million increase over 2008 expenditures, $10 million of which will be used to offset the rising cost of support for missionaries already on the field. On Tuesday evening, trustees appointed 105 new missionaries at Houston’s First Baptist Church, bringing…
I recall reading somewhere in one of the Puritans that the temptations that that a minister faces when engaging in controversy are greater than those he faces from “wine and women.” Controversy is dangerous for Christians because the cause engaged too easily becomes a justification for sins committed in…