Charles Simeon was an Anglican who served Trinity Church in Cambridge, England for 54 years. The story of his life and ministry are fascinating and challenging to modern pastors who tend to be soft and too quick to retreat in the face of opposition and trial. Simeon tells the…
Al Mohler led a panel discussion hosted by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary two days ago. Greg Gilbert is the lone opponent of the practice among the panel members. Other participants are Kevin, Ezell, the lead pastor of High View Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky–one church meeting in six locations,…
Tonight, at the annual meeting of the Royal Palm Baptist Association in southwest Florida I submitted the following resolution. It was unanimously approved and the moderator asked that it be sent to all the churches in the association. If you want more information on the work of the Great…
Tom Krattenmaker thinks that religion and sports don’t mix. At least certain kinds of religious conviction shouldn’t be allowed in the realm of athletics. With the release of his book on the subject, Onward Christian Athletes: Turning Ballparks into Pulpits and Players into Preachers, Krattenmaker looks to extend his…
On October 19, 2009 Bill Feltner and the good folks at Pilgrim Radio will begin broadcasting a series of sermons I preached last year on spiritual warfare. The station is located in Nevada and its programs can be heard in the southwestern United States as well as on the…
Today is International Blasphemy Day, sponsored by the Center for Inquiry. The Center’s mission is “to foster a secular society based on science, reason, freedom of inquiry, and humanist value.” As part of the day’s celebration the CFI is sponsoring a blasphemy contest, inviting people to submit poems, phrases…
I am looking forward to participating in the 2009 Southwest Founders Conference next week, hosted by Heritage Baptist Church in Mansfield, Texas (just outside Ft. Worth). The theme is, The Foolishness of Preaching. I am scheduled to speak 3 times. If you are in the area, try to catch…
I have used Apple computers since an IBM salesman talked me into buying a Macintosh SE in 1988. Both he and his boss were using Macs. I have never regretted that decision even though it put me in the tiny minority of computer users and subjected me to paternalistic…
These caricatures are funny. To adapt a phrase from my friend, Voddie Baucham, if you can’t laugh, you oughtta say ouch! Enjoy.
Yesterday Dr. Al Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, gave an address to students on the future of the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. Mohler’s analysis is very instructive. He compares the SBC to General Motors, which had its heyday in the mid-20th century and, because of a…