Pastor Brian Hamrick entered the land of the living last night, April 24, 2009, while recuperating from surgery in Gulf Coast Hospital in Ft. Myers, Florida. Brian served as Pastor of First Baptist Church, Clewiston, FL. He was admitted to Gulf Coast via medi-flight on April 11 after serious…
In a much-anticipated message at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Danny Akin today unveiled 12 “Axioms for a Great Commission Resurgence.” Dr. Akin, more than anyone else, has been outspoken in his call for such a resurgence. His leadership in doing so has met with mixed response ranging from…
UPDATE: Wednesday at 3:30 PM Eastern Time I spoke with Katherine and learned that Brian has had 2 stable days. He was taken off the ventilator for 15 minutes today and responded well. The doctors are hopeful that further surgery will not be necessary and they plan to start…
From Kairos Journal (an excellent online resource): Pastor Pierre-Charles Toureille risked his life during World War II to keep Jews out of Nazi death camps.(1) At the beginning of the war, before many people could fathom Hitler’s true intentions, he served under the Protestant Federation of France (FPF) as…
Owen Strachan has a very good post about financial strife that many people bring with them to marriage. Debt has a way of creating stress in a marriage and, unfortunately, it is a subject that too few are willing to consider biblically. In our consumeristic age (now compounded with…
This year’s Founders Breakfast will be held June 23 at 6:30 AM in the Crowne Plaza Hotel Coronet Ballroom A/B (on Level One) in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary will be our speaker. He is one of the key leaders in calling for…
The National Founders Conference will not not meet this summer. Though we will miss the fellowship, instruction and encouragement that the conference has generated over the last 26 years, there are good reasons behind this decision. Let me list several of them: 1. There are now many excellent conferences…
In the following interview Cindy Winters gives a grace-filled testimony of the power of the gospel to enable believers to love their enemies. She tells of her prayers for the salvation of Terry Sedlacek, the murderer of her husband, who was gunned down while preaching March 8, 2009 in…
The latest Founders Journal is out and the theme is “Reconsidering Calvin and Calvinism.” The articles in this issue should disabuse any honest reader of history or theology of the caricatures that so often are promoted about the man and the views that are usually associated with his name….
One of the great temptations in Christian life and ministry is to lose confidence in the Word of God. Among conservatives this usually happens subtly, not blatantly. No self-respecting evangelical would ever admit to such a loss of confidence, but too often that attitude is betrayed by the way…