Aaron Turner is a pastor-turned-church-planter who had developed a web-design and online marketing business to support himself so that he can be free to travel anywhere to pursue his new calling. He does great work and he is a faithful brother. Check out his work. Heritage Baptist Church in…
When a Christian repents his repentance should be as notorious as his sin. When an organization does something wrong or foolish and then takes measures to correct their actions I believe that the decision to change should be as made known as widely as was the mistake. Reggie Joyner,…
Wyman Richardson recently posted an interview he conducted with Timothy George back in 2000. It is very good both for its content and perspective. They talk about Reformed Theology and there is hardly anyone better to discuss that topic than Timothy. Wyman asks good questions and appropriate followups so…
When the Gospel is lost I guess it really doesn’t matter if you withhold the facts of Jesus’ death and resurrection from children. That seems to be the rationale behind one publisher of children’s Sunday School curriculum. The guys over at Two Institutions blow the whistle on this knavery….
The wise man tells us to “buy the truth and do not sell it” (Proverbs 23:23) and Jude admonishes us to “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (3). These and other texts imply that truth will not always have smooth sailing or…
Diane Lytle alerted me in a comment that Dr. Steve Lemke has explained the purpose of the announced John 3:16 conference coming up this fall in Woodstock, Georgia. Dr. Lemke writes, This conference is intended as a majoritarian Southern Baptist response to the “Building Bridges” and “Together for the…
Finally, someone has brought much-needed sanity to the recent Global Warming flap in the SBC. Through extensive research and interviews, Timmy Brister has brought together information that cannot be found in any other single source. The combination of cool heads and hot air make for the kind of moderate…
Jesse Phillips is hosting a Together for the Madness pool to pick the NCAA National Basketball Champions. All of the details are available on his blog, where you can sign up to be included in the fun. Basketball has a special place in our family because it is the…
Tonight Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, where I serve as Senior Pastor, called Tim Brister to become our Associate Pastor. He has accepted that call and hopes to be on the field the last week of May. The process has been very deliberate and marked by clear indications…
I received the following from Kairos Journal today: Dr. Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, has been one of the great defenders of the sanctity of life and traditional marriage in our time. One of his students, Sherif Gergis, a 2008 Princeton Graduate and Rhodes…