Last week John Piper preached in a chapel service at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. His text was 2 Timothy 4:9-22 and he spoke on the difficulties of Christian ministry and the sufficiency of Christ. It is one of the most moving sermons I have heard in a long…
The long-awaited interview between John Piper and Rick Warren is now available on the Desiring God blog. It is worth watching the whole 98 minutes. The value of this interview exceeds the information that it provides. We get a glimpse into the heart of 2 of the most influential…
John Piper pastors Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, whose main campus is about 1 mile from the I35 bridge over the Mississippi River that collapsed August 1. His reflections on that tragedy has been distributed far and wide and helped provide a biblical perspective on such events. Piper also…