Like most even mildly alert observers of American politics I have been intrigued by the Donald Trump phenomenon. In some sense it is like a car accident—you just can’t look away no matter how hard you try. Pundits from the right and left have excoriated him with such apocalyptic…
With all of the obfuscation, evasions, misrepresentations and outright lies that have come from USA government officials recently, I am glad for any humorous respite that can be found in the midst. The WashingtonFreeBeacon video below provides such. It is funny, in an outrageous, disappointing sort of way.
Wayne Grudem is one of the leading theologians of our generation. His Systematic Theology quickly became a classic and is now widely used in churches and classrooms around the world. In addition to his theological writings, Dr. Grudem has also addressed issues that confront believers and the church in…
I, like most of the people I know, have been very attentive to the upcoming presidential election. In what has been the longest campaign of its kind in history, so much distortion, half-truths and outright lies have been told (by people on both sides) that I find myself succumbing…