This has been the most unusual SBC I have ever attended. That is not meant as a criticism, but an honest observation. I attended some humdingers during the conservative resurgence, but this is one for the history books. I have very little opportunity even to check my email, much less blog, so while I have a few minutes, I want to give some initial observations.
1. The Pastors Conference had some of the best talks/messages that I have ever heard in that forum (see my earlier post on that).
2. The Pastors’ Conference had some typically not-very-good talks/messages (others have commented on some of this–its nothing new: cheap shots, silliness, failure to deal with the text, etc.)
3. I have enjoyed meeting face-to-face some fellow bloggers (Joe Thorn (shorter than I had imagined), Steve McCoy (taller than I had imagined), Tad Thompson, Alan Cross, JBuchanan, PastorLeap and others whose names simply escape me at the moment) and renewing renewing fellowship with others (Marty Duren, Art Rogers, Wade Burleson, Ben Cole, and others). I actually got to sit down with Joe and Steve and chat a bit. That coversation was very encouraging to me. Anyone who dismisses these guys as “emergent” does not understand them.
4. Exactly 1 hour and 30 minutes into the convention blogging was mentioned.
5. Calvinism has been a topic of discussion in formal presentations (Morris Chapman addressed it, not in a mean-spirited way, but in an attempt to be humerous. I was not offended but appreciated what I think he was trying to do. BTW–he also made a negative comment about elders, but again, it wasn’t mean. When I saw him later I shook his hand, told him I appreciated much of what he said and looked forward to getting home to discuss it with my elders! We both enjoyed a good laugh. His spirit was great.).
6. Frank Page got elected in a 3-way race on the first ballot. That was incredible. I will try to post more thoughts on that next week when I have had time for reflection, but this is very significant as an indicator of what is going on in this season of SBC life. Remind me to blog about the nomination speeches.
7. Mark Dever was only 70 something votes away from becoming 1st VP. I think logistics and schedule had more to do with the outcome of this vote than anything else. More later.
8. Wiley Drake got elected 2nd VP on the first ballot of a 3 way race. His nomination speech will go down as one of the all-time greatest in the history of the SBC.
Well, I am out of time. The Resolutions Committee is scheduled to make their report in an hour. I have reason to believe that some version of my resolution will make it to the floor of the convention for debate.