“Great News! Walgreens Says ‘Next Year Will Be Different!'”
That was the headline of the December 1 email I got from the American Family Association (AFA). Because of the efforts of those who threatened boycotts, Walgreens got the message. And they are not the only ones. Lowe’s also got the message and has replaced “Holiday Trees” signs with the obviously biblical and theologically correct designation of “Christmas Trees.”
The AFA email states, “Your actions are bringing good results! We are hearing that many retailers are re-thinking their banning Christmas. Keep up the good work!” Banning Christmas! Just who do those retailers think they are? Even USA Today is sitting up and taking notice of this advance of Christianity through the intimidation of retailers (HT: Stan). If we all pull together and really work hard, maybe by next year we will be able to coerce every major retailer not only to advertize “Christmas specials” in December but also to set up manger scenes at the doors of their stores. That will really show them!
And…after we get finished dealing with Lowe’s and Walgreens and others of their ilk who tried to “ban Christmas,” I hope some American evangelical will be spiritually courageous enough to lead the charge against Charles Spurgeon and all those Puritans who decried Christmas in their day. If we are going to take America back for Christ(mas) then we need to be warned against all those who refuse to make of this holiday what our great nation has made of it over the last 200 years!
As a Christian, all of this has really put me in the holiday spirit!