Al Mohler led a panel discussion hosted by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary two days ago. Greg Gilbert is the lone opponent of the practice among the panel members. Other participants are Kevin, Ezell, the lead pastor of High View Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky–one church meeting in six locations,…
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year and Founders Press is putting several books related to the seminary on sale until September 4, 2009. Included are books by Tom Nettles, Michael Haykin and James P. Boyce along with a DVD and CD of the…
A press release from Southern Seminary announces Dr. Mohler will be scheduled for surgery to remove a pre-cancerous tumor from his colon. This has necessitated his withdrawing his name from being nominated for the SBC presidency in June. Pray for Dr. Mohler and his family as they face this…